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DeliverChops is a FoodTech startup in Nigeria offering end to end solution in Food Delivery Industry for End Customers & Restaurants along with its own logistics and supply fleet of delivery boys. DeliverChops has addressed the critical challenges in Nigerian Food Industry.

The biggest challenge was to understand the existing market and come up with a one-stop solution for addressing all aspect of Food Delivery Industry as well as introducing some great features for making this platform more popular among the users. This involved immense work-related data analysis, market analysis, feasibility analysis, documenting the results, confirming and validating the requirements based on the existing information and trends and finally putting a huge amount of efforts in deciding a well user-friendly and mature UI design for the Portal.
Due to the limited time and budget constraints the predictive approach was selected, however with a lot more care and risk analysis as any extra or added change would have disturbed the project cost and time on a huge level. Thanks to our Business Analysis team who put their hard work and did a thorough analysis of the client’s requirements and documented & designed a well-accepted product. The total time taken for analysis was 6 months that involved multiple revisions of requirements and validating requirements using techniques like Wireframing and Prototyping. There were a few changes requested but again those were easy to implement and aligned with our flexible system architecture. Our Technical team finds the analysis so understanding that the development went so smooth for the DeliverChops.
A complete product was delivered which is ready to launch and hoping to see this growing on a big scale. The end customers can use this portal for interacting with other foodies as well as find the best quality food and order at their fingertips. Restaurants have multiple options where they can opt for only listing their business and opting for online ordering service. Restaurants are given the option to use DeliverChops as their delivery partner as well as they can keep using their own delivery service. The DeliverChops system is well designed and developed for accommodating of these requirements by providing a mature backend panel to restaurants to control their Business.
CakePHP, PHP, My-SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax
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GasPro was designed and developed for one of our client in the United States. This application helps users to find the fuel with the lowest price in their neighbourhood as well as option to pay in advance for fuel to book price and avoid any long queues at fuel Stations.

The challenge was to make the information of fuel price available to end users and create a competitive environment for Gas Stations. A client wanted this app to be more than just information disseminating source so another challenge was to make this app more interactive and add some gamification strategies within the application.
The end solution was designed and developed by Stemdot. The solution involved a platform where end users can see the fuel prices at different Gas stations in their neighbourhood, book the prices by paying in advance for the fuel and get fuel bypassing all long queue and get VIP priority at a fuel station.
The application was delivered successfully. The increasing user base of the application boost the team energy as we see us growing with our growing clients .
PHP, My-Sql, Cake PHP
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Platinum Capital

Platinum Capital website, design and develop by the Stemdot to US-based insurance agency Platinum Capital Insurance. The website communicates the service information as well as provide options to end users for contacting the Business owner and search information using keywords.

The challenge was to design a website that meets clients requirements to target customers. So, analyzing the market, customers and competitors were key challenges for our team.
A high-end website with clean and modern GUI was designed and developed. Our Analysis team prepared the requirement document and collaborated with design and development team to understand the client needs on ground level with a detailed understanding of the target customer and client requirements. Both design and Technical team coordinated well to successfully achieve the overall functionality.
The application was delivered successfully. The increasing user base of the application boost the team energy as we see us growing with our growing clients .
WordPress, PHP, My-SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript




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KMA is a non profit research organization and the portal communicate the organization values, missions as well as provide the functionality like Events, Donation, Community Blog, Search, Newsletter etc.

The challenge was to maintain the website and its day to day operations and problems caused by any new technology updates or support required by the KMA staff.
Stemdot Team addressed the requirements and provided benchmark support to KMA. All issues were traced and acknowledged within 4 hours on benchmark time and fixed within 48 hours.
A happy client is the result that Stemdot team always work for and align with the company’s values.
ROR, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax
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Showroom design tool to showroom owner, design and develop by Stemdot. The tool allows owners to provide the necessary details of their showroom and the tools shall allow showroom owner to design the showroom and select the products that shall be placed displayed in the showroom.

The challenge was to resolve the problem of manually exchanging information of showroom and manually designing the showroom requirements and communicating the same with the Stihl management.
Stemdot conducted a thorough analysis of client’s requirements and designed a tool that meets the client’s requirements. The technical team developed the tool and implemented on client’s server.
The tool was developed and delivered successfully. This resolved the problem of daily manual work in terms of communicating and designing the Stihl showroom requirements.
CakePHP, PHP, My-SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax
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FindajP allows Couples to find Justice of Peace to perform their marriage or vow renewal ceremony. Couples can search JPs in their state or county. On Findajp website JPs have the space to share their complete information so that couples seeking a marriage officiant can make a decision.

The complex business rules were being managed on 2 separate static websites and client wanted a one dynamic solution for managing those complex business rules and websites. A scope was defined and the Predictive Waterfall approach was chosen, however, the continuously changing scope made it a big challenge for our team to adopt the requirements.
The flexibility of the system was increased just after a few change requests and as we came across that the client wanted to add more functionality within the system. The system was designed and developed in such a way that implementing new business rules or overriding the existing rules couldn’t be more easier than before. We had to put some extra efforts for going beyond the defined boundaries of development however due to our strong values and policy at Stemdot we let our client not stuck within the scope and implemented the requirements driven from client’s need, wants and desires. The biggest success was to adopt changing requirements within the predictive approach.
A single dynamic web app platform with eCommerce functionality for JPs and couples was launched successfully. Jps got a dynamic panel to manage their credentials and data and couples are able to contact Jps as well as purchase the available products online on a website.
WordPress, PHP, My-SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax
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nobel stich

NobleStitch a US-based eCommerce & Design Contest startup website specifically designed and developed for Socks design and eCommerce. On NobleStitch end-users shall have an option to participant in Socks design contest which is posted by the admin of the website.

WordPress, PHP, My-SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax
A startup idea was needed to be nurtured digitally and a client was not sure about the initial requirements of the product and its functionality. The challenge was to elicit client requirements which align to the Goals of the business at the same time keeping in mind all the latest design and modern user experience approaches and communicating the same with a client for shared understanding and mutual agreement on requirements.
Once again our Business Analysis team played a crucial role in eliciting all hidden requirements by understanding clients needs, want and desires and converting them into feasible product requirements. The development team followed the approved design and requirement base for product development followed by a thorough testing and implementation on Live servers.
Client was able to align expectation with the end product and successfully launched the first contest. Once again a growing client and their satisfaction with our services was a big achievement and another milestone towards building a new success story in our portfolio.
Magento, PHP, My-SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax
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vendor management system

The Stemdot VMS portal i.e. Vendor Management System is a one stop solution for Healthcare industry to resolve the staffing problems. This platform is used by healthcare facilities to post their staffing requirements and Healthcare Professionals and agencies can apply for those requirements.

The challenge was to understand the and resolve one of the major challenges in US healthcare industry i.e. making the staff available on a temporary and permanent basis to healthcare facilities.
A VMS solution designed and developed by Stemdot that involved intensive research and analysis of requirements of US Healthcare Industry’s Staffing problem. The Business Rules were documented well and a complete set of documents including the Business Requirements, Stakeholder Requirements, Solution Requirements was prepared. Considering the involved high risk level we decided to choose the adaptive approach for analysis and development and that actually worked well as the team was able to accommodate the change requests. Using the agile approach each module was developed in iteration accommodating the various change requests and improvement ideas from various related stakeholders involved in the process of analysis and development.
The end result was fabulous as we were able to actually meet all those needs of stakeholders (Healthcare facility, healthcare professionals, and Staffing Agencies), address the core problem of Temporary and Permanent Staffing through our Stemdot VMS enterprise portal.
CakePHP, PHP, My-SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax
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A closed group application that allows end user to find information about the hospital locations and its critical information to be allowed to be accessed by authorized hospital staff members.

The challenge was to resolve a problem of communicating the Hospital Location and other internal details with the Doctors and other facility staff. As the information to be shared was specific to user and hospital wanted a solution so that the process could be automated and staff members could access the information that they needed automatically without human intervention.
Stemdot Developed this Mobiel application and a backend for the admin. The admin can create the users and staff members can login into the application using their valid credentials and access the authorized information without seeking any front desk help.
The application fulfilled the purpose and staff can easily access the information using this application. Stemdot is always ready to resolve any digital problem and automate the business processes.
Android, PHP, My-SQL
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An application that helps the procurement department to take inputs from specific department and user on procuring the items for hospital. This application can be utilized for any company and its procurement department.

The challenge was to communicate the details of procurement with the specific department and staff members who requested the items. The procurement department always have hundreds of procurement requirements and it became difficult for them to communicate the details separately with different departments and take inputs separately from each user.
Stemdot understood the problem that Procurement department was facing and designed a mobile app solution that allowed procurement department to treat each procurement request a new project and add relevant staff members within that project. The staff members and procurement department can exchange thoughts, views specific to that procurement project and help procurement department to reach on a final decision.
The success of this app can be measured as this app actually reduced the efforts of procurement department to acquire information through emails and in person discussion that resulted in improved productivity and quick decision making.
Android, PHP, My-SQL
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