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Cake PHP Development


One of the best open source web application frameworks for rapid web development, it follows the principles of ruby and has found favour amongst the developer community.

Managing Large-Scale Deployments effortlessly!

 While scaling up your PHP application to multiple servers helps respond to the burgeoning demand, adding servers inevitably adds complexity. Monitoring a multi-server environment and isolating issues for fast problem resolution are extremely challenging. Deploying or updating an application on multiple servers involves many configuration changes that need to be duplicated across all servers.

  •  The Zend Production Solution gives you the power to manage these complexities. When a new server is added to a cluster (either in a cloud or in your datacenter), it is automatically configured appropriately.
  • Users get an alert when they make a change on one clustered server but not on others. And when an approved change needs to be propagated across the cluster, Zend Server Cluster Manager handles all the work.
  • The Zend Production Solution makes it easy to scale up applications by adding additional cluster nodes to meet sudden, unexpected increase in traffic.
  • Job Queue– This functionality streamlines an application’s end-user experience by offloading non-interactive tasks to a cluster-wide scheduler.

Detect, Diagnose, Solve!

 The Zend Production Solution enables users to take a proactive approach when it comes to ensuring the best user experience. It monitors PHP application execution whether on a single server or multiple servers, on premise or in the Cloud, and alerts users of impending problems, such as slow performance, errors, configuration mis-matches, enabling developers and administrators to quickly and efficiently pinpoint root cause of problems.

Enhanced Application Performance

 The Zend Production Solution provides multiple options for improving application response times and minimizing resource utilization. Apart from Code Acceleration, Full Page Caching and data caching, there are many more functionalities that it offers.

Zend Guard

To protect applications from unlicensed use, users need to adopt products like Zend Guard that protect applications by providing encoding and obfuscation.

  •  It further protects applications from reverse engineering, unlicensed use and redistribution by  comprehensive licensing support.
  • Encoding helps in converting PHP source code to immediate machine readable format that is hard for humans to read.
  • Obfuscation makes the code very hard to read as source code or reverse engineered code thereby preventing the risks that stem from unauthorized access to source code.

It is expected that demand for products like Zend Guard will gain momentum in the times to come as more & more commercial applications are being written in PHP.